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  3. Dungeon Meshi

Izutsumi tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Izutsumi? Izutsumi é um tipo de personalidade ESFP em mbti, 8w7 - sp/sx - 874 em enneagram, RLUEN em Big 5, SEE em sociônicos."

i feel like Se>Ti. imo she also has Fi. her main way of going about things is through her senses, the newest episode as of writing this (20) is proof of that the way she follows the path based on scent and acts on what she feels like doing. you could argue that she made an analysis of the situation based on experience and logic of the world (Ti), but shes a lot more emotion-oriented rather than logic oriented. i think her Se is mostly agreed upon, so i wont dwell on that much more unless needed for Fi, she acts on what she wants rather than what she deems as logical. she acts based on instinct and how she feels in the moment (very SeFi) Te serves the previous functions, she is very decisive and quick about these decisions. i think this is where the TiSe argument comes in, as she thinks based on "what works for me?", although i feel this is a result of SeFi doing what she wants and acting on instinct while taking in information based on the external world. *****Spoilers for the Manga ending below***** Inferior Ni in ESFPs is often shown through stress and anxiety over the future as well as avoiding the difficult thoughts. i see the ending chapters as strong proof of this: izutsumi spends her time in chapter 95 searching for what shes going to do from now on. when asked what she wants to do now, she says "im going to eat the pie senshi made". so rather than thinking about what she wants to do in the future, she focuses on what she feels like doing in the moment. this example feels very inferior Ni. i can see where the ISTP arguments come from, but she feels more ESFP to me. also i think she should rule the world


Izutsumi (イヅツミ), also known as Asebi (アセビ?), is a character in the manga Delicious in Dungeon. She is a former member of Shuro's retainers and is currently a part of Laios' party.

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