Ayame Hatano tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Ayame Hatano? Ayame Hatano é um tipo de personalidade ISTP em mbti, 9w8 - sp/so - 594 em enneagram, RCOAI em Big 5, SLI em sociônicos."

DRA Spoilers! I feel like Ayame's more an ISTP than ISTJ. Where's her SiTe? I can see Fi maybe, but TiSe is more fitting. When she received her motive she saw that the people she ran with could no longer run, so she thought what the point of using her legs were for anymore (hence injuring herself in Chapter 2). She also thought when she saw Akane come out bloody, she thought "Akane is gonna become the blackened," and took the blow for herself. Honestly, the relationship between her and Akane is so cute. Her inf Fe comes from trying to be good at talking to people but just being unable to, causing her to become all flustered.


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