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  3. A Plague Tale: Innocence

Amicia de Rune tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Amicia de Rune? Amicia de Rune é um tipo de personalidade ISTJ em mbti, 6w5 - sp/so - 614 em enneagram, SCOAN em Big 5, ESI em sociônicos."

Not an ENFP. Amicia had one notable moment of Ne display (when she made up that story about Melie and her going throught epic adventures) and that was, funnily enough, in a very stressful moment, I even went ''that's it, girl lost it'' cause it felt so inapropiate in the context and out of character. During the whole story she shows to be stern and diligent, willing to learn anything necessary to help her and her brother to reach security and also quite trusting of people who seem to have more ability/knowledge than her. Si is evident and, imo, not inferior at all: anytime she has to go somewhere new she's reticent and uncomfortable, she does this cause she has to save Hugo, but she also naggy about this in a ''ok, here goes nothing'' ''not sure if this is going to help us though'' ''where's the sense in risking our lives like this if we're going end up dying anyway'' etc. By most part of the story she has problems reassuring and comforting Hugo, she's not even empathetic at his shock after revealing him the truth about their mother's death and only gets more distressed and exhasperated everytime he insist she might still be alive and denies to believe what's, for her, the cold truth and I believe that's another inf Ne behaviour and aux Te display Her Fi child, due the difficult circumstances, doesn't show too much, but she does grieves her dog's death almost like if he was a brother to her and gets to connect and empathize in a deep level with his actual brother in the final parts of the game. Lastly I don't believe her dynamic with Melie and Rodric, both Se users radically different from her, is that of a Ne dom. Counter-phobic 6 would explain much better her tendency of getting emotional/irate in certain situations that get out of her hands


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