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  2. Videogames
  3. Collar x Malice

Aiji Yanagi tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Aiji Yanagi? Aiji Yanagi é um tipo de personalidade ISTJ em mbti, 6w5 - - 612 em enneagram, RCOAN em Big 5, LSE em sociônicos."

[includes spoilers!] so for yanagi's tritype, i think he is 612 rather than 621. that's because he does put helping others as one of his priorities, although he is much more focused on "doing what he thinks is right", which just happens to be wanting to let the citizens of shinjuku live a normal life. not only that, he says that he wishes to resolve a situation in peace, that's why he could not stay in the police force. when he was younger, during that incident with ichika, he felt he did the "right" thing which was to save her from her kidnapper. he could've not jumped in and saved her, albeit he did because he felt as though that was "morally correct". in collar x malice unlimited, his brother mentions that despite that he was a delinquent, he only punished those he thinks weren't acting in line. it's pretty he's evident that he's a 6 core in the present. typically, when characters are younger, their types are fully developed yet. plus, we also do not have much backstory on his past despite what i mentioned above. this is stereotypical, although traits of 6s fits him quite well. he is anxious about the decisions he makes, fearing that it might harm the people around him. he is afraid to get too close to people, that's how he seeks "secruity". by distancing himself, he feels safer. he is often too careful with decision making, self-doubting until he is a hundred percent sure. while playing the game, i was surprised a character could be this stereotypical lol overall, i'm not sure if this proved my point about him being 612 but i hope it clears some things up on why i voted him as that. also i paraphrased some things but hope you get the main idea lmao


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