Yubaba tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Yubaba? Yubaba é um tipo de personalidade ESTJ em mbti, 8w7 - sp/so - 836 em enneagram, SLOEN em Big 5, SLE em sociônicos."

"Why on earth should I hire you? Anyone can see you're a lazy, spoiled, stupid crybaby and you've got no manners. This is a high-class place I'm running here, so there's no job for you." Definitely obvious Te-dom: she's exacting in her standards for her employees and business, and runs it with a tight fist. There's also a lot of Si in the way she maintains the status quo: she punishes Chihiro's parents because they disturb the pre-existing standards of her resort town. She's nitpicky and obsessed with quality, to the detriment of her workers and accidental trespassers like the Ogino family. I think ennea is pretty self-explanatory as well– dominant 8 for the way she bullies her employees and anyone who gets in the way of her wealth. She- as well as most of her employees- are insanely greedy and captivated by No-Face's gold, which seems like pretty unhealthy 3w4; her maintaining of the status quo is classic 6 status-preservation.


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