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Rise Kujikawa tipo de personalidade mbti

Rise Kujikawa tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Rise Kujikawa? Rise Kujikawa é um tipo de personalidade ENFJ em mbti, 2w3 - sx/so - 379 em enneagram, SLUAN em Big 5, ESE em sociônicos."

Rise is 2w3 and not 4w3. TLDR: It seems people are typing her 4 due to her path of integration. The struggle Rise faces is one almost any popular idol is going to face. A struggle of identity that is forced upon her due to external forces such as her occupation. One such problem that Rise is not well equipped to think about as identity isn't something she'd naturally focus on. Thus it is a huge struggle for her to look inward and see what it is she actually wants. She is highly dependent on the protagonist to help her with these things. This is not only very Fe over Fi, but shows that 4 motivations and desires are this very distant concept to her. These are the concepts which she develops throughout her social link. People are often too quick to associate identity with type 4 and Fi, but things need to be looked at more contextually. Everyone, at some point in their life, wrestles with the idea of who they are and what they believe in. It is not mutually exclusive to those types. We are simply seeing a 2w3 girl who naturally seeks love and affirmation struggle with finding strength from within. At the end, she is able to break free from this dependency and understands who she is. She learns to find meaning in the fact that she is both Rise and Risette. As for MBTI/Jungian, it is perfectly normal to have varying degrees of strength in the middle axis. That happens to be the case for ENFJ Rise. She not only fit all descriptions of Fe from various theorists (Berens and Thomson especially), her Ni is not weak enough to be inferior even if her Se is good. If anything, I'd say its quite alright. If you look at her role in the group, you can see that it is often her that has these inspirations that inspire action (regardless if it's for serious stuff or just planning fun activities). Due to having some preference for Ni (and not inferior), she is not as in the moment as an Se dom would naturally be but her Se is still pretty good.

