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Tohru Adachi tipo de personalidade mbti

Tohru Adachi tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Tohru Adachi? Tohru Adachi é um tipo de personalidade ENTP em mbti, 7w8 - sx/sp - 784 em enneagram, RLUEI em Big 5, ILE em sociônicos."

[SPOILERS; long; broken up in replies.]  can we please, please not type villains as INTJs every time they demonstrate the basic human ability to think ahead and plan in advance? like lmao, literally every INTJ comment i've seen on this page either a) doesn't present an argument at all, b) "supports" its point with nothing but lazy "why do you think all chaotic villains are ENTPs" strawman crap, or c) "proves" its point by citing behaviors i'd be alarmed not to see in ANY person ("he mAkEs pLaNs because he doesn't want to get arrested, holy s**t he must be Ni dom!!" as if any other type wouldn't even bother trying to cover their ass and just immediately hand themselves over to the police lmao) i think adachi is a clear example of those ENTP "joker"-type villains (and even real people) who descend into chaotic outbursts after failing to genuinely connect with anyone for so long. no type is immune to the debilitating isolation we see in characters like adachi -- you can't actually sit there and tell me someone is "too lonely to be an extrovert" bruh. many, many extroverts are the loneliest people you'll ever see, and if you can't believe that then you're either misunderstanding the term "lonely", the term "extrovert", or both. adachi is an extrovert who chiefly seeks stimulation from the people around him while having simultaneously given up on genuine bonds a long time ago.


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