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Clive O'Brian tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Clive O'Brian? Clive O'Brian é um tipo de personalidade INTP em mbti, 6w7 - sp/so - em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."


Clive R. O’Brian was the director of the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance which, at the time of his directorship, was a private, non-governmental organization tackling biohazard incidents, bio-terrorists and biological weapons. He operated under the radio call-sign of “Forkball”. At the time, the BSAA was a small NGO with limited resources, so although O’Brian was on the ground during the incident, it was mostly as a European-dispatched "third-party observer" while the Federal Bioterrorism Commission took the lead on the rescue efforts.

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