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Mistral tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Mistral? Mistral é um tipo de personalidade ISTP em mbti, 4w5 - - 487 em enneagram, SCUEI em Big 5, SEE em sociônicos."


Mistral (ミストラル, Misutoraru?) was a female cyborg mercenary and a member of Desperado Enforcement LLC. Mistral was one of the Winds of Destruction, alongside Sundowner and Monsoon. Her code-name is derived from the dry northern winds that blow from the Alps to the Mediterranean. Mistral used multiple copies of her main weapon called "L'Étranger" (French for "Stranger") in whip and rod configurations and could easily rebuild a new one at ease. Outside of combat operations, she wore a black and violet coat with pauldrons, which she removed in a suggestive manner before engaging her opponent. Mistral's serial number was 977-AZQEE.
