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  2. Videogames
  3. Batman: The Telltale Series

Bruce Wayne "Batman" tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Bruce Wayne "Batman"? Bruce Wayne "Batman" é um tipo de personalidade INTJ em mbti, 1w9 - sp/sx - 154 em enneagram, RCOAI em Big 5, LSI em sociônicos."

I think INTJ 1w9 fits if you go the good route. When doing the detective work and planning attacks it’s very much Ni-Te and Se. Batman interperets the evidence in front of him and then uses it to come to a singular conclusion about what actually happened at a crime scene. Batman doesn’t really go into attacks without a plan, instead he’ll plan how he can use his environment and what he’ll do when stealth isn’t an option. I do believe that he fits the 1w9 description as he is always trying to do what’s best for others and ultmately wants to perfect Gotham to the way it was. I don’t think INFP works since his Fi and Te are really good and I also don’t think ISFP works either since he’s more of a planner rather than improviser. While his Fi is very strong I don’t believe it’s dominant.


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