D tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é D? D é um tipo de personalidade INTJ em mbti, 5w6 - - em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."

its been months please i beg, anyone, ANYONE AT ALL PLS just tell me why they're voted ENFP......... even just the tiniest argument, the smallest crumb of a reason, i beg....


D is the Spade of Judgement, whose main job is to judge and punish mankind. They also work as a pharmacist. D seeks neither good nor evil, but merely see war and decide winners and losers. They are often sick from constant growing eyes all over their body, so They always take medicines. They are sensitive, blunt and cold, but They are more emotional and human than anyone else.

Quadrinhos da web caracteres semelhantes a D
