1. Pessoas e Personagens
  2. Histórias em quadrinhos
  3. Knights Of The Dinner Table

David "Dave" Harcord Bozwell tipo de personalidade mbti

David "Dave" Harcord Bozwell tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é David "Dave" Harcord Bozwell? David "Dave" Harcord Bozwell é um tipo de personalidade ESFP em mbti, 7w8 - - em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."


The youngest of the Knights, Dave is a student at Ball State University, where he studies Cultural Anthropology and Dance Theory (the latter of the two for the purpose of meeting girls). He originally used to show up for the food, but really got into the game despite a bad first encounter with Johnny (a former Knight who gouged Dave out of a priceless gem). Dave is the typical "Hack-N-Slash" player, who becomes bored easily in non-action situations. When faced with talking things through (at which he is poor), or fighting, Dave chooses the latter. Dave, until recently, played a character by the name of El Ravager, wielding a coveted Hackmaster +12 sword named "Tremble". He lusts to own a god-level Magic Sword, but dreads the possibility of such a blade having its own ideas of what it is to be used for. More recently (late 2006) in B.A.'s newest campaign, Dave has changed tactics (in part thanks to B.A.'s new hardball rules) and is playing a magic-user named El Mardico.

Histórias em quadrinhos caracteres semelhantes a David "Dave" Harcord Bozwell
