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Against the Death Penalty tipo de personalidade mbti

Against the Death Penalty tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Against the Death Penalty? Against the Death Penalty é um tipo de personalidade INFP em mbti, 4w5 - sp/sx - 469 em enneagram, RLUAI em Big 5, EII em sociônicos."

Here's my opinion : life is too precious for anyone to decide whether of not someone else should die or not. We don't control (yet) who was born and either they should or not have the right to live, just like we should not be able to control who must die. I guess that's part of the human experience. Besides, one of the beautiful thing about human beings is their ability to evolve. A murderer can eventually find peace within himself and realize the horror of what he did. I think that's a nice thing, being capable of some kind of redemption🙃

