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Yang Tae-Rin tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Yang Tae-Rin? Yang Tae-Rin é um tipo de personalidade ENTJ em mbti, 3w2 - sx/so - 371 em enneagram, RLOAN em Big 5, LIE em sociônicos."

Tearin is so ENTJ, and I'm going to explain why. Remember that ENTJ and ESFP share the same cognitive functions but in a different order. ENTJ is Te>Ni>Se>Fi, and ESFP is Se>Fi>Te>Ni. I understand why people think she's ESFP, especially when she suggests they should live in the moment and just enjoy the wedding photoshoots. However, I firmly believe she is ENTJ. Since the beginning, she is determined to pursue her goals, such as finishing her career in the best way possible and recently opening her online shopping store. She prioritizes her business and future over her relationship (though she still supports her boyfriend), showing strong Te. When making plans, she calculates the necessary resources to achieve her goals, always considering cause and effect, evaluating priorities, and reaching her objectives. Moving on to Ni, some may argue she doesn't exhibit it, but I disagree. Her current perceptions generate ideas about complex situations,such as joining a reality show with the ex of her ex's current girlfriend. Despite the potential complications, she sees it as an opportunity to pursue her objectives and innovate in her actions, like unexpectedly kissing her ex on the reality show. Regarding Se, when she discovers her boyfriend's infidelity, she adopts an attitude of acceptance: "This is what it is, what's next?" She then assesses the current situation to plan her next steps, demonstrating more Te through action. Finally, Fi is demonstrated by her valuing of experiences, prioritizing what's important, and evaluating her priorities. Near the end of the webtoon, she reflects that if everything she's doing is worth it. However, her low Fi is evident as she does not seek reconciliation or a harmonious ending for all parties.Overall, Tearin's characteristics align more with ENTJ traits. I hope people can take the time to read this analysis and not simply conform to majority opinions or stereotype-based judgments. I hope all of you can understand my explanation cuz I'm not native english speaker


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