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Toshiki Miyamizu tipo de personalidade mbti

Toshiki Miyamizu tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Toshiki Miyamizu? Toshiki Miyamizu é um tipo de personalidade ESTJ em mbti, 3w4 - - 316 em enneagram, SCOEN em Big 5, LSE em sociônicos."

In the Your Name. Another Side: Earthbound manga, he goes into a textbook Te-Ne loop after Futaba dies.


Mitsuha and Yotsuha's estranged father, who is also the town mayor. Originally a folklorist from outside Itomori, specifically from the Mizoguchi clan of Nara but based at Kyoto University, who visited the town, he fell in love with Futaba, the daughter of the town priestess, and fathered Mitsuha and Yotsuha with her. Following his wife's tragic passing, he became estranged from his family.

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