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Lumine Talvinen Lumipöksy тип личности MBTI

Lumine Talvinen Lumipöksy тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Lumine Talvinen Lumipöksy? Lumine Talvinen Lumipöksy - это тип личности INFP в mbti, 9w1 - sx/sp - в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."

Why enneagram 6. 6s are the skeptic, they are naturally distrusting and safety-oriented. They tend to be cautious about jumping into new situations. This fluffball randomly follows strangers into their homes, carelessly gets lost on several occasions, and is the most gullible character in the entire story. I consider him a sx/sp 9. More than securing his own safety, at the beginning of the story he wanted to be accepted by Kody as a friend. Being alone with his adopted father for so long, he was told that a werewolf would always have to stay away from other people or else he'll be hunted down. 9s' core desire is a sense of belonging and acceptance, and this makes sense in the context of his backstory. His wish to connect with a peer from his age group results in him being almost excessively attached to this one kid, the kind of 1-1 interaction preferred by the sx instinctual variant


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