Jeff Andonuts тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Jeff Andonuts? Jeff Andonuts - это тип личности INTP в mbti, 6w5 - so/sp - 694 в Enneagram, RCOAI в Big 5, LII в Socionics."

I type him as INTP because he clearly has inferior fe because he stole his friends cookies. Probably not because he didn’t care, but because he wasn’t thinking about the i of his actions on other people and was only looking for a logical solution (Ti dom). Then why not ISTP? I know that an ISTP stereotype is that they can fix everything. But I nfeel like if he had Se, then his inventions would be somewhat more practical if that makes sense. Like the slime generator seems like a product of Ne.u


Jeff Andonuts is one of the playable characters, the second to join Ness. Jeff is the only permanent party member who is unable to use PSI abilities. To compensate for that, he can repair broken objects to turn into useful machines and weapons for battle, although what exactly he can repair is based on his IQ level and the broken items he has in his inventory. He usually uses Guns as his primary weapons, along with bottle rockets and the aforementioned repaired gadgets such as the Hungry HP-Sucker, Heavy Bazooka, Neutralizer, and Shield Killer. He also has the Spy ability, allowing him to look up enemy attributes and snatch away their drop item if they have one. He educates at Snowood boarding school. Jeff is the genius son of the great scientist Dr. Andonuts, and attends the Snow Wood Boarding School in Winters, FoggyLand. Paula communicates with him telepathically to rescue them from captivity in Threed.

Видеоигры символы аналогичны Jeff Andonuts
