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Noriko Sonozaki тип личности MBTI

Noriko Sonozaki тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Noriko Sonozaki? Noriko Sonozaki - это тип личности INFJ в mbti, 5w6 - sp/so - 514 в Enneagram, RCOAI в Big 5, LII в Socionics."

I watched this anime a long time ago so I can't remember the details. Noriko is an unhealthy INFJ. What really struck me as INFJ was two things: Noriko took another character's pain as her own, causing her to suffer for most of her life, which is a sign of an unhealthy INFJ without boundaries, often taking up other people's struggles as their own and suffering greatly because of it. The ending scene was a real INFJ move, she was extraordinarily stubborn in her perspective of what a better world should be. Noriko also felt like she didn't belong, causing her to attach to Katsuhira, and was very taken aback once she realized he had changed, sparking some type of feeling of betrayal from him. A villain INFJ follows along the lines of 'a means to an end,' so the process of getting the goal doesn't really matter if the goal itself is good. Again, I wish I could remember all the details, but these defining characteristics of her character plot scream INFJ. She acted the way people wanted her to, and seemed to be very in control of her life, perhaps indicating a thinking type, but in reality she was traumatized and pressured, causing her to act in a way that she wasn't. Noriko is an INFJ. A very unhealthy one.


A stoic, mysterious girl who is responsible for running the Kizuna System and the Kiznaivers. Her methods are extreme and her goals are unknown.

Аниме и манга символы аналогичны Noriko Sonozaki
