Maki Honoka тип личности MBTI

Maki Honoka тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Maki Honoka? Maki Honoka - это тип личности ISTJ в mbti, 6w5 - sp/sx - в Enneagram, RCOEI в Big 5, LSI в Socionics."

The Social Six is a stronger character that the Self-Preservation Six, and this greater strength has to do with having more certainty than uncertainty. The Self-Preservation Six is an insecure person-they hesitate because they are not sure. The Social Six is someone who, in defense against the insecurity associated with not being sure, becomes too sure. They can-in the extreme-become "true believers" or fanatics. In the counterphobic Sexual Six, fear is turned into its opposite when the person adopts a stance of strength, but in the Social Six, "it is not fear that is turned into an opposite, but doubting." This is kidney of like het


An aloof, bespectacled girl in class 2-A, Honoka seems to hold her fellow classmates in disdain.

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