Lula May тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Lula May? Lula May - это тип личности ENFP в mbti, 7w6 - so/sx - 748 в Enneagram, SCUEI в Big 5, IEE в Socionics."

(SHS) Lula May: IEI-CHDN (Accentuated E) Lula is arguably the most optimistic character in the franchise. She is extremely enthusiastic about working with the Horsemen and she is skilled at forming personal relationships with people (as evidenced by her interactions with Jack) so I think R is prominent in her and she seems to be a positivist. She is the one who maintains peace in the group and she values harmony way more than the other Horsemen so yeah, there's definitely a lot of flexible usage of R. She is an extremely imaginative person and she has many optimistic visions regarding the future. She also seems to have various unrealistic fantasies about the Eye so I'd say T+ base makes a lot of sense for her. She is usually quite relaxed and fluid in her movements and she is a bit awkward with speech. She also adapts to new situations with ease so irrationality makes a lot of sense for her. V-S style also suits her well imo. She is a bit random and chaotic in her thinking. She has a tendency to jump from one thing to the other and she lacks focus. "Vortex: Quickly jumping from one turn of thought to another, cutting off unjustified variants" She has some characteristics of the EP temperament but I would chalk that up to her C subtype. Her full subtype is probably CHDN. She also likely has accentuated E considering the fact that she always does magic in a very playful and expressive manner.


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