Alma Dray тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Alma Dray? Alma Dray - это тип личности INFP в mbti, 9w1 - so/sp - в Enneagram, в Big 5, EII в Socionics."

Her Fi is visible. She is portrayed as quite an emotional character, but hides most of these feelings under a calm surface, like her feelings for Dylan. This makes her seem calm, detached and even a bit mysterious in the beginning. Fe users are outwardly emotional and more inclined to share their emotions freely, which doesn‘t firmAlma. Alma is also lead by her personal sense of morality, even sympathizing with the „criminals“, while being responsible to take them down. I also seee Ne over Se, as she is quite willing in believing unconventional theories about how the magicians perform their tricks and not that grounded.



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