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Hwoarang тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Hwoarang? Hwoarang - это тип личности ESTP в mbti, 7w8 - sx/so - 783 в Enneagram, SLUEN в Big 5, SEE в Socionics."

Once I read someone saying about a character "he thinks he's cool, but he sucks, which is a very common trait for ESTPs" and he fits this so well lmao. I can't stand this annoying piece of sh.1t both in personality and gameplay wise. (I main him). Jokes aside. I can see why one would think of him as Ti dom due to his high use of Ti sometimes. However the thing is not only about how much he values Se (absolute thrill seeker and seems to have a whole life just based on it, very VERY impulsive), but also that I don't really think he has inferior Fe. I think his tert. Fe is very noticeable when it comes to almost anything he does, being it good or bad. He is considerably too much people oriented for a Fe inf, and his Ni just sucks, really. He is just that annoying Fe tert user that will seek people to bother for fun. No one raised the possibility of him being an e8 core, which is just a very high possibility for any ESTP just as much as e3, however I don't think his e8 fears are greater than e7. He's pretty silly to be honest. Not that it matters much but it's the truth. I find his e8 fix very strong, though I can't be convinced of it being his core. He seems like a more ""composed"" ESTP due to him being a 7 core, which keeps him on his mind a bit more (of course, within the Se dom limits of doing so). He's constantly bored and looking for entertainment. That's all he does. And he doesn't shut up, that's why he's 7sx. Enneagram 8 has many traits that are similar to Se traits. It's difficult to discern between those two and that's why most of ESTPs are e8 core. But I think if he was e8 core he would be just way more over the top about his power and impulsiveness. And his Se would be more ridiculous. An addendum. I rewatched endings of some Tekken games and his TT2 ending is just so Fe tert. It's ridiculous.


Yeah, yeah, shut up already!!

Видеоигры символы аналогичны Hwoarang
