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  2. Фильмы
  3. Clue (1985)

Wadsworth тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Wadsworth? Wadsworth - это тип личности INTJ в mbti, 5w6 - sp/sx - 538 в Enneagram, в Big 5, LIE в Socionics."

Honestly, while I see the INTP, I’m not sure an INTP would be so quick to act. He usually shares his findings with the group and isn’t trying to win their approval. Obviously an INTP wouldn’t either, but I’ve long believed that IxxPs are always more introverted than IxxJs. Wadsworth always seems to work for the group interest, and the plot is based off this premise. I think people are likely to assume he has Fe from his goofy demeanor, but if you’ve never spent time around an INTJ in an unusual situation, we can become shockingly goofy. Wadsworth seems to stick to the plan for the most part, but between plot points, he is thought goofy primarily by the audience for his weird analogies, lack of social cue interpretation, and problem solving skills ending with hilarious failure. I get the feeling an INTP wouldn’t be likely to try to break down the lounge door, try to catch Mrs. Peacock when she fainted, or take charge when the group decides to split up. He’s essentially an example of an INTJ that is either in a weird situation, or wasted. For those who have never experienced an INTJ saying whatever they think, it’s a wild experience. Not every Ni dom is a mild goth, and when they aren’t, this is closer to what you will see imho.


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