Siesta тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Siesta? Siesta - это тип личности INFJ в mbti, 1w2 - sp/so - 154 в Enneagram, RCOAI в Big 5, EIE в Socionics."

First of all, I hope that you will not vote based on the events that happen in the anime. This show has a manga. I can't say this character seems to use Ne at all. Anyone who's watched the show will realize that right away so I can't say she's INTP but there's a lot of Fe in her character that causes some confusion for people. She uses Fi, Ni at the beginning of the manga. I thought she was an INTJ. After the succession of events, it was clear that she was using Fe. I am currently confused as to whether it is ISTP, INFJ, or ENFJ, but I will choose INFJ because it is a mixture of Fe, Ni


"Siesta" is a code name. Her main weapon is a musket gun while she also has "Seven Tools" that contain special powers. Siesta is one of the Twelve Tuners as the famous detective. She took Kimihiko Kimizuka as her assistant four years prior to the main story. Her real name, age, and nationality are unknown. Source:

Аниме и манга символы аналогичны Siesta
