Friday the 13th (1980) MBTI Personality Type
What is the personality type of your favorite characters from Friday the 13th (1980)?
Friday the 13th (1980)
Personality Type of Friday the 13th (1980) Characters
Which Friday the 13th (1980) characters are you and which characters best fit you based on MBTI personality type?
Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees (2009 Timeline)
Pamela Voorhees
Thomas 'Tommy' Jarvis
Roy Burns
Alice L. Hardy
Baghead Jason/Jason Voorhees (Part Two)
Trish Jarvis
Tommy Jarvis (Kid)
Tina Shepard
Tommy Jarvis (Part V version)
Violet Moraine
Elias Voorhees
Sheriff Garris
Megan Garris
Melissa Paur
Chris Higgins
Personality Type of Friday the 13th (1980) Casts
What is personality type of Friday the 13th (1980) casts? Do Friday the 13th (1980) casts have the same personality type as their characters.
Personality Type of Friday the 13th (1980) Creators
Which personalities created Friday the 13th (1980)?