{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI


"Sammy Gutierrez ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Sammy Gutierrez เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ ESFJ ใน mbti, 2w1 - so/sx - 972 ใน Enneagram, SCOAN ใน Big 5, ESE ใน Socionics"

Why e2, much less sexual 2? Because she's sweet and caring? Type enneagram based on motivations and defense mechanisms, not just basic personality traits. I think social 9 makes a lot more sense. She just wanted everybody to be happy and to get along. She was the mediator of the group and had a strong desire for social harmony. I never saw her giving support because she felt the need to be needed. It always seemed out of a desire for harmonious feelings and surroundings. I'm really failing to see any pride as well. Psychospiritual sloth, which is how sloth manifests in the social 9, makes more sense. She definitely seemed to lack a distinct inner world. She generally didn't have any strong preferences and tended to go along with what everybody else wanted. And I didn't see this tendency of putting others before herself as pride or image based at all. She never gave to get (unconsciously or consciously). She's also not assertive enough to be a sexual 2. They're the most aggressive e2 subtype as a matter of fact. According to Naranjo, "The passion of the sexual E2 is to feel passion. The passion of being dragged and of dragging through the intensity of an idealized and genitalized love. Live out the impulse that gives him meaning and strength, in a way that makes it difficult to refuse or postpone any desire, especially in love. The desire is converted into an uninhibited momentum in search of immediate gratification, with manipulative strategies, whatever it takes. He is, in this way, impatient and fickle, chasing what he doesn’t have but believes he deserves." Sammy never manipulates to get what she wants and isn't impulsive either. Even with Yaz who she's obviously in love with, she was patient and waited for Yaz to confess to her first. She never saw getting together with Yaz as a kind of conquest and was never aggressive with her advances. She always showed patience and consideration for Yaz's boundaries, knowing it's not easy for Yaz to open up to people. I don't want to go on for too long, but yeah I'm befuddled by the sexual 2 consensus and think it can be chalked up to people not understanding how motivations are what define a person's enneagram type. The e2 and e9 share many characteristics, but the differences in their motivations for being kind, generous, and self-sacrificing are incredibly different. Sammy's passivity, patience, and deference to others are much more aligned with social 9 than any e2 subtype.


A camper described as gregarious, loud, and filled with enthusiasm for the experience of being at Camp Cretaceous. Her family farm supplies meat to the park.

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