{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI
"Kaz Brekker ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Kaz Brekker เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ INTJ ใน mbti, 8w9 - sp/sx - 853 ใน Enneagram, RCOEI ใน Big 5, LIE ใน Socionics"
(Part 1/2) Although I believe Kaz was an ENTJ in the books, I think he’s portrayed as an INTJ in the Netflix series (There will be spoilers for the books in this post, in case anyone here hasn’t read them). Unlike Inej and Jesper, who are (for the most part) faithful depictions of their book counterparts, this version of Kaz deviates quite a lot from the original, even though the broad strokes are the same (Both versions are cold, strategic, obsessed with taking down Pekka Rollins, etc.) It seems that a majority of both ENTJ and INTJ voters are in agreement that this version of Kaz is kinder than the original one, and I’ve seen some arguments mention that this doesn’t mean Kaz’s Fi is higher than it was in the books. It is true that kindness in and of itself doesn’t indicate higher Fi - However, it was the reasons behind Book Kaz’s harsh treatment of others that indicated he had inferior Fi, and because those details have seemingly been removed in the Netflix adaptation, I do believe that this change to the character indicates a difference in the order of his functions. In the books, Kaz was unsettled by his personal feelings, desires, and morality because he saw these things as the antithesis of achievement, and he prioritized what would most effectively produce results/the success of his business above everything else. He didn’t mistreat his crew simply because he was cruel - He treated them like they were valued solely for what they brought to the table/ how well he could make use of their skills, and as a result, he made them feel expendable. For instance, Inej feared Kaz would leave her at the mercy of a captor if they broke her legs because she would no longer be of use to him: (“He’ll never trade if you break me!” / “I’ll be no use to him anymore!”) and it was believable that she would have this fear because Kaz had always led her to believe that he only protected and valued her because she was an investment, and his feelings were so repressed that he even believed this himself at times: (“Inej can fend for herself. She’s a pawn, not the prize.”) He wouldn’t let himself think of his relationships as friendships, only alliances, and he was always trying to keep his crew in line. This is not the case in the Netflix series - For one, this Kaz apparently trusts Jesper enough to tell him at least part of what happened between him and Pekka in the past (“Did he remember you?”) something he didn’t trust anyone with in the books - He only told Inej a small part of the story because she figured out that he had history with Pekka Rollins on her own, and he instantly regretted telling her anything. This Kaz also tells Inej that he refuses to consider hiring another girl from the Menagerie because he is convinced that there is no one else like her (“She isn’t like you. No one is.”) whereas Book Kaz told Inej that there were others with her skills and made a point of reminding her that she was replaceable: (“You may be the best spider crawling around the Barrel, but you’re not the only one. You’d do well to remember it if you want to keep your share of the haul.”) This Kaz takes a moment to comfort Inej after she kills someone for the first time. Book Kaz ignored Inej when she sobbed after her first kill. This Kaz tells Inej that he needs her (“But we do need you. *I* need you.”) whereas Book Kaz made sure Inej did not believe he needed her (“I need your skills, Inej. That’s not the same thing.”) Book Kaz struggled to acknowledge his feelings for Inej even in the privacy of his own thoughts - He referred to her as an investment both aloud and in his inner monologues as well: (“Inej was one of the best investments Kaz had ever made.” / “She was a valuable asset.”) and when he thought about how he didn’t want to lose her, he attributed this to the fact that he’d “invested a lot of time and money” into rescuing her. Although he was willing to admit that he relied on her skills, he didn’t want to let himself trust her (“To say that he trusted Inej would be stretching the point.”) unlike this Kaz, who tells Inej that he believes in her because of all that she’s done for him (“No Saint ever watched over me. Not like you have.”) The changes that were made to Kaz’s relationships with Inej and Jesper omits the aversion Book Kaz had to considering/expressing his feelings, as well as the unhealthy prioritization of efficiency that was behind his determination to keep people at arms length. This Kaz is also more concerned about adhering to his own values - He’s open about prioritizing keeping his promises and he tells Inej that he's letting Alina go for the sake of being true to his word: (“I’m keeping my promise to you. I swore you won’t go back to the Menagerie.”) This Kaz doesn’t have the inferior Fi struggle that Book Kaz did. He still doesn’t use Fi maturely in the show, but it isn’t his Achilles’ heel. He struggles more with adapting (inferior Se) (Continued below)
Kaz Brekker (Portrayed by #FreddyCarter) is the de facto leader of the Dregs, also known as the Crows, one of Ketterdam's street gangs, and one of the most ambitious thanks to Kaz being a criminal mastermind and bolder than the rest. Kaz is only a teenager, but his legend has grown in Ketterdam's back alleys and nighttime shadows. Kaz is known for being willing to do any job, no matter how violent or dangerous, without showing an ounce of fear, thus earning him the nickname Dirtyhands.
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