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Kim Kyung Wook mbti kişilik türü

Kim Kyung Wook mbti kişilik türü image


"Kim Kyung Wook hangi kişilik türü? Kim Kyung Wook, MBTI, - sx/sp - 873 'de ESFP kişilik türüdür, SCOEN, SCOEN, büyük 5, SLE' dır."

I think he's more of a feeler than thinker. He made his decision based on emotions instead of logic. He easily trusted Soomin going as far as bullying whoever Soomin said to be mean to her despite there's no proof to back up her statement. He himself doesn't bother to provide proof/data/cold hard facts to back up his accusation as seen with Mrs. Yang/Jiwon. Not valuing Fe either since he has no problem causing discord within his environment and based on what his co-workers/subordinates say about him, he's doing it quite often. I'm considering ESFP, no Fe, child Te, very in the moment. I'm open to discussion.


Ajashi who has a great imagination.

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