Sol Badguy mbti kişilik türü


"Sol Badguy hangi kişilik türü? Sol Badguy, MBTI, 8w9 - sp/sx - 854 'de ISTP kişilik türüdür, RCUEN, RCUEN, büyük 5, SLE' dır."

most stereotypical ISTP ever dude is litteraly a mechanic


Sol Badguy is the protagonist of the Guilty Gear series and Ky Kiske's rival. He is an aloof and brash bounty hunter of immense skill on a quest to find and eliminate all Gears and their creator. For a short time, Sol was also a member of the Sacred Order of Holy Knights during the Crusades, known as "Order-Sol". In the past, as Frederick Bulsara, he seemed to be a simple-yet-aloof scientist, who was content with having only two friends, not bothering to compromise his own integrity to appeal to others around him; however, upon becoming a Gear, his prior unruly traits became much more pronounced. Sullen and unrefined, he only speaks to others when absolutely necessary. Consequently, he's not very good at expressing himself, and tends to compensate by bullying people into line or simply steamrolling them. A lone wolf with a belligerent streak, Sol is actually an extremely intelligent individual who doesn't tolerate nonsense and gets mad whenever he cannot explain something with logic.
