I-No mbti kişilik türü


"I-No hangi kişilik türü? I-No, MBTI, - sx/so - 783 'de ESTP kişilik türüdür, SLUEI, SLUEI, büyük 5, SEE' dır."

Her Se is so powerful. So, so powerful. Also, she never displays Si, and her low Ni is the thing that always gets her into trouble.


I-No is a major character in the Guilty Gear series. She is a time-travelling musician who seems to derive pleasure from tormenting others, and is one of That Man's three servants alongside Raven and Jack-O' Valentine. Very little is known about her, with a report on her in Guilty Gear XX consisting entirely of "UNKNOWN!!" repeated several times over. Wicked and cruel, I-No is a manipulative woman who seems to have no qualms about hurting other people, and for whom people have no meaning beyond their ability to amuse her. She has no problem acting personable if she wants to, but she considers all of humanity to be beneath her—That Man included—, and has a vicious nature that quickly rises to the surface whenever someone challenges her. I-No also has no problem using her feminine features to manipulate and deceive men; her every word and action bursts with sexuality, usually using musical references as double entendres.

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