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  3. Latin American Philosophy

José Vasconcelos mbti kişilik türü


"José Vasconcelos hangi kişilik türü? José Vasconcelos, MBTI, 1w2 - - 'de INTJ kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, LII' dır."

Cómo chingados va a ser ISTJ? El puro concepto de "la raza cósmica" es Ni puro. Por cierto, ojalá se leyera más en México, quizás así nos comprenderíamos un poco más. Aunque eso no le quita lo cuck ni lo larpero


José Vasconcelos Calderón (28 February 1882 – 30 June 1959) has been called the "cultural caudillo" of the Mexican Revolution. He was an important Mexican writer, philosopher and politician. He is one of the most influential and controversial personalities in the development of modern Mexico. His philosophy of the "cosmic race" affected all aspects of Mexican sociocultural, political, and economic policies. José's mother, who was a pious Catholic, died when José was sixteen. The family moved to the border town of Piedras Negras, Coahuila, where he grew up attending school in Eagle Pass, Texas. He became bilingual in English and Spanish, which opened doors to the English-speaking world. The family also lived in Campeche during a period when the northern border area was unstable. His time in living on the Texas border likely contributed to fostering his idea of the Mexican "cosmic race" and rejection of Anglo culture.

José Vasconcelos 'a benzer kişiler Felsefe
