Lucy Steel mbti kişilik türü


"Lucy Steel hangi kişilik türü? Lucy Steel, MBTI, 2w3 - sx/so - 269 'de ISFJ kişilik türüdür, RLOAN, RLOAN, büyük 5, SEI' dır."

Finally a healthy 2 who embodies humility, motivated by love for her husband. Her eagerness to act and help is more 2like than 9. Healthy 9 is understandable but Lucy doesnt have the sin of indolence, and her actions arent her overcoming it and embodying right-action. --------------------------- Unlike average Nines, average Twos have a very sharp sense of their own identities. Although highly empathetic, they are not particularly self-effacing or accommodating. Rather than being unselfconscious, they are highly aware of their feelings and virtues and are much less hesitant to talk about them. At their best, healthy Twos can be as unselfish and humble as healthy Nines Healthy Nines offer safe space to others. They are easy-going and accepting, so that others feel safe with them. There is almost no tendency in Nines to manipulate others or to make them feel guilty for not responding as they would like. (Healthy Nines are more patient and humble–traits Twos could learn from them.) By contrast, healthy Twos are willing to get down to the nitty-gritty and help out in difficult situations. They have an energy and staying power that average Nines tend to lack. Moreover, the help that healthy Twos give has a direct, personal focus: it is a response to you and your needs. In general, Twos will walk that extra mile with others, whereas, while Nines sincerely wish others well, they generally offer more comfort and reassurance than practical help. (The particularity of the love of healthy Twos is something that Nines could learn.)


Lucy Steel (ルーシー・スティール, Rūshī Sutīru), née Lucy Pendleton (ルーシー・ペンドルトン, Rūshī Pendoruton) is a side character and ally featured in Steel Ball Run. Lucy is the wife of the Steel Ball Run race promoter, Steven Steel. She eventually discovers Funny Valentine's plan for the race and, fearing for her husband's safety, decides to cooperate with the Joestar Group.
