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EVA / Matka Pluku mbti kişilik türü

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"EVA / Matka Pluku hangi kişilik türü? EVA / Matka Pluku, MBTI, 7w8 - sx/so - 278 'de ESFP kişilik türüdür, SLOAI, SLOAI, büyük 5, SEE' dır."

🩷SEE sx2 eva explanation: I’ll start by saying that the whole idea of SEE so7 just seems very odd to me: -the principal thing that seems odd to me abt SEE so7 is that e7 have no connection with the objective surroundings and present around them; as they are always escaping the present through new things and activities, because to them the present is a place that must be escaped, they are always searching for possibility in the world and things which is heavily associated with socionics Ne and Ne in general - yes, so7 sacrifice themselves, but they don’t do this for the others, they do it for themselves. -sometimes they are confused with E2 but we have to remember that the whole structure of 7’s is narcissism, while 2’s deny that narcissism. -Also, 7’s are really mischaracterized, 7’s hedonism is MENTAL while 2’s hedonism is PHYSICAL (it applies to e8 too). -another remarcable thing is that e7 is a mental type, while they think>act, SEE (and SLE) act>think Thats why e7 doesn’t correlate with SEE and not even with her (the only 7 subtype that correlates more or less with SEE and SLE is sp7, and its debatable) Nonetheless, I see her having 7 fix (being her trifix 278) Now on why I think shes a 2 core: a 2 usually has a bigger emotional bond with the other person (rather than themselves), understood as a greater facility of knowing what others need. 2’s do all this as a defense mechanism because they think that attending to their own necessities is “egoist”, and that by doing this, they will reach the love they search for. Reaching snake’s feeling was always what eva wanted (even tho she coulnt bcs of snake’s sp6 ass😭). why I think shes a sx2: Im going to divide this explanation on why sexual instinct and why the sx2 subtype: -Sexual (transmitter) instinct: this instinct searches a partner bur they also want to convey, leave a legacy, achieve objectives. They have a need to speak and to transmit a part of themselves to the outside world. The social instinct is more about feeling comfortable with a group of people, but she never cared about that at all (as she can fit in every type of group of people by “changing her personality”, which is a very heart triad thing), so I don’t see the point on typing her as a social. -sx2 subtype: a short explanation to understand sx2’s: “Combining the Prideful passion with the instinct of relations we get the sexual 2. Passion of Pride manifests here in an extreme sensitivity about being desired or not, and sometimes as a Pride in the number of sexual conquests one has made. This subtype is the most intense of the 2’s, they are obsessed with the desire to be wanted, believing that love is overcoming resistance. They *have a superficial personality*, they're also seductive and sexually provocative, almost always intoxicated by love. They constantly move between seduction and aggressiveness they are generous, indulgent and flatterers but can also be heavily impulsive when their pride is hurt and the love they expect is not given back.” Very obvious sx2 by its definition, this type of seduction is really related to the seduction of a “femme fatale” or a vampire: They use seduction to manipulate, normally with a really superficial personality, “designed” to have anyone under their control. They want to be desired and are impulsive and sometimes even aggressive (when you hurt their pride). In this subtype, physical hedonism is really important; pleasure (normally referred to sexuality) is what they search. Lastly, I’ll add some subtypes I have taken in consideration: Sp2: I thought abt sp2 first but I dont think her type of seduction is like a daughter to her father tbh😭 Sx3: I really took so3 in consideration but shes THE 2 core So7: If she was an Ne dom I would have considered so7 even more than I had considering shes an Se dom, but as I said at the beginning, SEE and e7 doesnt work really well If you havent understood anything, tell me, english is not my first language, and thank you if you have read all this LMAO🫶🏻🫶🏻


EVA, also known as Tatyana (Russian: Татьяна), and later known as Matka Pluku, and Big Mama, was a spy who fought alongside Naked Snake during Operation Snake Eater. While posing as a KGB agent, she actually worked as a spy for the Chinese People's Liberation Army, tasked with obtaining the Philosophers' Legacy. She later became the surrogate mother of Solid Snake and Liquid Snake.

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