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Casey Neistat mbti kişilik türü


"Casey Neistat hangi kişilik türü? Casey Neistat, MBTI, 3w4 - so/sx - 379 'de ESFP kişilik türüdür, SCUAN, SCUAN, büyük 5, SEE' dır."

This dude is literally the definition of Se. There is literally zero Ne. Most likely ESFP.


Casey Owen Neistat (born: March 25, 1981 [age 38]) is an American YouTuber, vlogger, producer, director and co-founder of the social media company, 'Beme' which he sold to CNN. Casey lives in New York City and used to make daily vlogs which casued a huge growth of his channel. He uses "Boosted Boards" to travel around the city. His YouTube channel currently has over 11 million subscribers and over 2.5 billion video views.
