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Casey Neistat MBTI性格类型


"Casey Neistat是什么人格? Casey Neistat是MBTI中的ESFP人格类型,九型中的3w4 - so/sx - 379,五大类型中的SCUAN,Socionics中SEE类型。"

This dude is literally the definition of Se. There is literally zero Ne. Most likely ESFP.


Casey Owen Neistat (born: March 25, 1981 [age 38]) is an American YouTuber, vlogger, producer, director and co-founder of the social media company, 'Beme' which he sold to CNN. Casey lives in New York City and used to make daily vlogs which casued a huge growth of his channel. He uses "Boosted Boards" to travel around the city. His YouTube channel currently has over 11 million subscribers and over 2.5 billion video views.
