Christine Daaé mbti kişilik türü


"Christine Daaé hangi kişilik türü? Christine Daaé, MBTI, 9w1 - sx/sp - 926 'de INFP kişilik türüdür, RCOAI, RCOAI, büyük 5, EII' dır."

the tale of a healthy and an unhealthy INFP struggling with love... i relate to Christine a lot actually. if i were in her exact same situation, i would approach it the same. unhealthy people of my type seem to cling to me and i try my best to take care of them, but they can be downright toxic which leads to escalating pain on both sides. yet i keep returning to them because i believe in their ability to redeem themselves and become good kind people. at least, i deeply wish that they will


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