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Stephen Strange "Doctor Strange" mbti kişilik türü

Stephen Strange "Doctor Strange" mbti kişilik türü image


"Stephen Strange "Doctor Strange" hangi kişilik türü? Stephen Strange "Doctor Strange", MBTI, 5w6 - sp/so - 531 'de INTJ kişilik türüdür, RCOEI, RCOEI, büyük 5, LIE' dır."

I get where the ENTJ votes are coming from, but I would still have to call Doctor Strange an INTJ for a multitude of reasons. I think the largest evidence of this comes in the first movie, when Strange loses the use of his hands in the car accident. Strange attributed his own self-worth based on his ability and gift as a surgeon. He was clearly proud of his skill, and became arrogant when he considered himself higher than others based on that proficiency. He held himself to a specific standard that was founded on this worldview, and since he excelled at his own standard more-so than other doctors, he felt inherently superior. This is more representative of unhealthy INTJs. While this may look similar to characteristics of what an unhealthy ENTJ would display, it's rooted from a different source of insecurity. Introverted Intuition does what I basically call "creating context." Ni creates the context of which the individual's actions (Extroverted Sensing) are centered around. Inferior Se in particular is extremely insecure about the context of its actions, because those "actions" are a representation of themselves. That's why INTJs (and INFJs) suffer from performance anxiety, because they want to be good at things without putting the work in, because if they perform bad at whatever they're doing, they feel it negatively represents them as people. One of the largest struggles for INTJs is to let go of that insecurity, and sometimes learn to healthily engage with things without that concern in mind. It's also why INTJs generally learn subjects extremely quickly, so they can make sure whatever they're doing reflects positively on them. That's inferior Se, and it's a giant pain to get over. But I'd argue that's why the "Ancient One" pointed this out to Strange in their final conversation. She argued that Strange became a proficient at surgery to "save himself" instead of others, and that he needs to broaden his views to include other perspectives outside of his own. So if it's given that Strange is an INTJ, it makes sense that he would tie his proficiency as a surgeon (Se) to his overall worth as an individual. So when he loses the ability to use his hands, it essentially reduces his self-worth to nothing. He doesn't care so much about the status of who he was, but rather what his abilities meant to himself. On the other hand, an ENTJ in an insecure position would be more likely to make “flimsy” moral claims of why they should be in positions of influence (large or small). If Strange was an ENTJ, I would expect him to say something along the lines of "If you make me leave my position, a lot of patients are going to die because I'm not there. They are alive because of me." (Dominant Te asserting its need to have a presence, and Inferior Fi justifying that presence). Norman Obsorn's reaction to being told “You're out Norman" by his shareholders in Spiderman (2002) is another great example of this key difference. I don't really see Strange adopting this philosophy. I actually attribute ENTJs to eagles because they need a bird's eye view to operate effectively (Dominant Te facilitates their entire worldview), if they lose that "perch" they lose a lot of their effectiveness and precision. So if Strange was an ENTJ, I think he would be far more concerned about his status/ influence. Maybe not to a stereotypical degree, but it would be a larger concern to him rather than just him focusing on regaining the use of his hands. Strange mainly uses his credentials/ status as *supporting evidence* of his skills and worldview (which indicates Secondary Te), but it’s not the main thing he is looking in regards to straightening himself out. So that's my argument for why Strange displays Ni-Se over Te-Fi. The original Doctor Strange is probably my favourite MCU movie just because it portrays INTJs somewhat realistically, rather than making them some "mastermind." It gets really annoying when tropes go that particular route.


An expert neurosurgeon whose career ended abruptly when an injury sustained during a car crash destroyed the nerves in his hands. He eventually sought out the Ancient One in search of a cure for his condition, only to become her latest disciple in the Mystic Arts. Strange eventually becomes the master of the Sanctum Sanctorum in New York City, one of three seals that protect Earth from magical and extra-dimensional threats.

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