Randall Boggs mbti kişilik türü


"Randall Boggs hangi kişilik türü? Randall Boggs, MBTI, 3w4 - sx/sp - 385 'de INTJ kişilik türüdür, RLOEI, RLOEI, büyük 5, LIE' dır."

A very intelligent and strategic character who took advantage of his merits so that he could get ahead of the people he hates, in other words, extremely spiteful. It's been a long time since I've last watched the movies and I came into this thinking he had Te and Si, but the more I think about it, that scene in Monsters University for when he failed during the finals because of Mike and Sulley and swore vengeance to take them down was very Ni and Te. I remember how he was quite of a kiss a$$ to Henry Waternoose too making me think he's more authority-based, but then I realized he may have only used people of higher ranking as his leverage to get ahead. And come to think of it, he does seem to have extremely low Se, during times when he suspected Sulley and Mike to be hiding Boo and he had sensed that they had something up their sleeves since the beginning but just couldn't figure out what, and failed several times to try and catch them because he was more reliant on his gut instincts. Though his Se did help him several times to be keener to his surroundings when something felt 'off' when it came to him, he still missed by a longshot in catching Mike and Sulley. More focused on his intuition and implementing his strategies, his ambitions were very dependant on his own personal views and desires but seems to really lack at tuning in with the people around him because he's more focused on his resentment and schemes. Always trying to find ways to get ahead and succeed and even may get tunnel vision because of how extremely blinded he is by his own hatred and envy towards Sullivan and Mike (Ni + Fi) INTJ, to put it simply. A very VERY unhealthy one, at that.

