Fido mbti kişilik türü


"Fido hangi kişilik türü? Fido, MBTI, 5w4 - sx/sp - 'de INFP kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ' dır."

I like both him and Winnie. He seems more introverted in comparison to Bandit. Sensitive to bugalugs’ schedule and really wants to connect on a deeper level with Bandit or not at all (Fi and sp/sx). Still able to hold up to Bandit in terms of new ideas like the possibility of Bandit “getting his dog teeth removed” (Ne) while explaining it to Bandit in a logical way that connected with him (5w4). Generally, he seems relaxed with the ability to explore new ideas (phlegmatic-sanguine).


Fido is a secondary character that has appeared in Bluey.Fido is the father of Winnie and her sister, and is friends with Bandit. He has no known wife yet. Bandit and Fido met when they happened to bring their oldest daughters, Bluey and Winnie, to a nearby playground early one morning. After a brief acknowledgement, they were apparently content to ignore each other and scroll on their phones. However, they were forced into further contact when their daughters asked them to act as their customers in a game of cafe. Though they initially found the situation awkward, they began to chat in the course of the game. When Bluey informed Bandit that Winnie had invited them over for breakfast, however, Bandit declined, and Fido was apparently in agreement. However, upon a subsequent trip to the park, Fido and Bandit greeted each other cordially. Their conversation during the cafe game was more animated on this occasion, and Fido and Bandit even engaged in some unprovoked hijinks for their own

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