Dementus mbti kişilik türü


"Dementus hangi kişilik türü? Dementus, MBTI, 8w7 - sx/so - 872 'de ESTP kişilik türüdür, SCUEN, SCUEN, büyük 5, SEE' dır."

Perfect example of Evil ESTP. Congratulations to Chris Hemsworth for his acting. I think this was his best role in terms of performance. I understand the ENTP votes, as that was my second choice and option for him while watching the movie. I have no idea where the ESFP votes are coming from. This guy's Ti is very evident, and his Fe is even more. He is cold to the core and has no priority for values or preferences. Has no issues bending his stances on things to get his way. He has no passion or burning fire of values inside him. His Fi is easily blind. His Ti is easily shown in how he sees feelings of hope and hate as mere equations in a logical framework. The category of feelings is made logical and internally deconstrcuted as ways to fuel one's body. He was trying to figure out what was driving Furiosa, decodifying her mind like a system. Not to mention that Ti is the most apathetic and devoid of passion of the 4 Judging Functions. Just like him, who refuses to beg for his life or fight for any burning ideology. Because he has none. About his Fe however, he seems to be very well versed in the "If you can't beat em, join em." ideology that Fe upholds. When he first meets child Furiosa, he is the one to ease things around his people, make her comfortable and demonstrate a harmonious stance to get his way. When he is making deals with Immortan Joe, he shows his very flexible taste for what to value. What to value is what is valuable in the moment. He works with what he's given (Which is also Se's whole thing). He has no issue in adapting his values to the external context. When he captures or threatens others, he presents ideals of how they could have chosen comradery and openness to join him. How anyone's welcome in his army. And they choose conflict. As to why Se-Ni and the reason why I believe he's ESTP over ENTP is how he approaches the subject of living life. "There is no hope" is his clear repression of Ni. He has no ideal future or vision he wants turned to reality. He just lives life and works with the present without any future wishes or expectations. He never wishes for his life to be better or to look if there is more to life than just what he's given. Lastly, Dom Se. It goes from very obvious giveaways such as his talk about momentary sensations at the end of the movie, to less obvious giveaways, such as his decision to force the Bullet Farm gate open instead of searching for an alternate solution or pathway to smoothly transition, simply because "there was no time" and he needed to act. Lastly, he fits the Theocratic Stack perfectly. He believes everyone is inherently unified by something. To him, he believes that everyone is seeking the sensations of Se. He believes that's what keeps everyone going, a clear rejection of Fi's individualistic way of seeing the world and an embrace of Fe's unfortunate use of generalization to back up their views. Theocratic Types unify humanity and narrow their singular view on every individual, directly contrasting to the Anarchic Types, which believe the opposite. That everyone has a different reality and different driving forces and that there is no unifying factor to humans. Perfectly written ESTP antagonist.


Warlord-leader of the Biker Horde that abducted Furiosa from her home.
