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  3. Furiosa (2024)

Dementus MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp


"Welcher Persönlichkeitstyp ist {profilename}? {profilename} ist ein {MBTI} -Persönlichkeitstyp in MBTI, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} in EnneArgram, {big5} in Big 5, {socionics} in Socionics."

I already posted this as a reply to someone else who thinks Dementus is a core 8, but here is why I think Dementus isn't a type 8 incase ur on the fence: 'You are me already dead. To feel alive we seek any sensation, any sensation to wash away the cranky black sorrow. It leaves us for a moment, but then it comes back. We have to do it all again. And we need more. Each time we need more, until too much is never enough. We are the already dead, little D.' Dementus' words before his death, that he percieved to perhaps be his final words so must hold heavy personal significance. Type 7w8 sx, seek intense sensations through experiences more than any other type 7 in terms of the extremity of the intensity. All type 7s, especially sx 7w8s, seek a constant state of euphoria from a need for distraction. Here, Dementus clearly describes himself, how he seeks this constant state through any intense experience- exploring any sensory possibility to distract himself from the sorrow of living in the wasteland, from the sorrow of having lost hope already- being 'dead' inside. He needs more, and more and more, and knows deep inside that he will never be satisfied- he's only distracting himself. He seeks to connect to Furiousa this way, maybe emblematic of his sx dominance, projecting his own issues onto her in order to feel an emotional connection and relief. 'See how they fought for each other, this little army of two! Where were they going, so full of hope! There is no hope! Not for them, not for you and certainly not for me!' Just because after he says 'The dark Dementus cannot afford to be soft!' and 'There must be Justice and Retribution!' does not instantly mean he is type 8. Remember he has type 8 second and an 8 wing so that will also show. Before that he sounds like a disillusioned seven going into one, and clearly the pain of having to be so cold and lacking of hope to survive comes out in this little random speech he makes, before killing Praetorian Jack and making Furiousa watch partly out of anger for the hope they have, that he lacks. A punishment for his own sorrow.


Warlord-leader of the Biker Horde that abducted Furiosa from her home.
