Focalors mbti kişilik türü


"Focalors hangi kişilik türü? Focalors, MBTI, 1w9 - so/sx - 721 'de INFJ kişilik türüdür, SCOAI, SCOAI, büyük 5, EIE' dır."

INFJ argument analysis (Ni-Fe-Ti-Se): TBH she barely has screentime so I can’t provide an actual analysis so HERE YOU GO. An analysis based almost purely off stereotypes and little to no information! :D Ni dom: Focalors spent 500 years trapping herself inside the Oratrice Mechanique D’alyse Cardinale (I am never typing out that shit ever again) thinking about her plan and perfecting it to the core. She analysed it in depth; mostly focusing on perfecting the bigger picture of her plan rather than focusing on the more intricate details. If you look at how her plan to decieve the heavenly principles was woven, you can see how it’s more of like a large big inflated cloak covering up the core of the deception rather than an intricately woven one with many tiny details and patterns. What I said might be confusing, so, in simple words; what I mean is that her plan was very simple but masterfully put together by analysing and interpretating every part of the original prophecy. Her plan, however, ultimately lacks finer details and focused largely on the big picture rather than any in-depth details. Focalors is also very future oriented, always thinking about ways to pave a path for the future. Her ideas are abstract and idealistic. Fe aux: Focalors, again, trapped herself inside the Oratrice and sacrificed her own life just so the people of Fontaine can live on together. She deliberately cut herself off from the world not for her own ideals, but so that the people and their dreams can live on forever. Instead of doing what she wanted, Focalors did what her people would’ve wanted for her: she did what she was forced to do by life’s morals. Her wish is for her actions to create a Tevyat where dragons and humans can coexist, and she even returned Neuvillette’s powers not because it’s something she wanted to do, but because it’s something she needed to do because it was the right action to take. If you squint, some parts of this argument may explain Ti tert. Ti tert: I hate to say this again but, again, it ties back to the isolation Focalors suffered. As an isolated individual, doing things ‘by the book’ or using external facts and logic was near impossible. Whether her situation forced her to use Ti or Ti is her natural thinking process is up for debate, but being all alone and with nobody by her side, Focalors relied largely on internal information, facts, and logic to spin together a plan of such magnitude. The chances of her failing was high, but she pushed through and made it happen anyway because she was confident in her own wit. Ti users often rely on theories and philosophies rather than concrete and utter facts, and this is very true for her plan. It was one large theory with many holes and many ways through which it could fail. Focalors, however, believed wholly in herself and Furina (Fe if you squint really hard). Ti is holistic, and Focalors portrays this when she uses her internal knowledge to piece together general facts about the heavenly principles and the prophecy to weave this plan. Se inferior: I doubt this needs further explanation but I’ll write it down anyway. Se is all about living in the moment, taking advantage of the time you have left, and all that (if we speak about it in the simplest terms. Slightly stereotypical as well). If Focalors used Se in any way, locking and isolating herself from the world would be impossible for her. In fact, I believe it wouldn’t be a thought at all. Se users bear an inquisitiveness and curiosity for the outside world and their general surroundings. During the course of 500 years, Focalors completely shut down her Se and focused on paving a way for Fontaine’s future (Ni, Fe). NOTE: I am not an enneagram nerd so 1w9 is pure speculation. Anyways. I love her and she really deserves more attention.


Foçalors (Focalor, Focalors) is Fontaine's real Hydro Archon for the past 500 years, who had hid herself inside the Oratrice. She left behind her physical body Furina to play the part of the Archon in her place, in order to fool the Heavenly Principles and save Fontaine from the prophecy.

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