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  3. Love Is Blind S5 (2023)

James Milton Johnson IV mbti kişilik türü

James Milton Johnson IV mbti kişilik türü image


"James Milton Johnson IV hangi kişilik türü? James Milton Johnson IV, MBTI, 5w4 - - 521 'de INTP kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, LII' dır."

poor man 😔 he is a very good example of being mature INTP with decent EQ , even though INTP wouldn't be considered as an emotional intelligent type as per se; their calm, thoughtful, emotionally non reactive, wise,logical nature makes up for it to some extent. Hope he gets someone who is deserving of him & holds space for him like the way he holds space for others. This is for the Nth time I'm seeing toxic Fi x (healthy/unhealthy) Fe dynamic. Unhealthy Fi only sticks to Fe in long run where one person is like "WHAT ABOUT MEEEEE!" another one is like "Yes baby I want to cater to your🥺 feelings" , even unhealthy Fe x unhealthy Fe can hold up but unhealthy Fi x unhealthy Fi doesn't survive long. Hope this wholesome guy finds happiness:( Makes me rethink if INTPs are actually easy to manipulate or she is just too good of a manipulator 😂


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