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  2. 电视
  3. Love Is Blind S5 (2023)

James Milton Johnson IV MBTI性格类型

James Milton Johnson IV MBTI性格类型 image


"James Milton Johnson IV是什么人格? James Milton Johnson IV是MBTI中的INTP人格类型,九型中的5w4 - - 521,五大类型中的,Socionics中LII类型。"

poor man 😔 he is a very good example of being mature INTP with decent EQ , even though INTP wouldn't be considered as an emotional intelligent type as per se; their calm, thoughtful, emotionally non reactive, wise,logical nature makes up for it to some extent. Hope he gets someone who is deserving of him & holds space for him like the way he holds space for others. This is for the Nth time I'm seeing toxic Fi x (healthy/unhealthy) Fe dynamic. Unhealthy Fi only sticks to Fe in long run where one person is like "WHAT ABOUT MEEEEE!" another one is like "Yes baby I want to cater to your🥺 feelings" , even unhealthy Fe x unhealthy Fe can hold up but unhealthy Fi x unhealthy Fi doesn't survive long. Hope this wholesome guy finds happiness:( Makes me rethink if INTPs are actually easy to manipulate or she is just too good of a manipulator 😂


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