Jack Crawford mbti kişilik türü


"Jack Crawford hangi kişilik türü? Jack Crawford, MBTI, 5w6 - - 531 'de ISTP kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ' dır."

I just finished reading The Silence of The Lambs, and he is a challenging person to fully understand, so pardon me if I made any mistakes:) But I voted for ISTP, because I thought his dominant Ti was very appearant even from an outsiders perspective. He enjoys complex system and theories, and applies this knowledge into his work. His focus seems to be introverted, due to the surroundings rarely appearing to distract him or catch his focus. I believe that Crawford has Se auxiliary, due to how quickly he noticed how Starling changed throughout the book, whether it was a tiny change within her appearance (looking tired etc), or her behaviour. I also believe his Ni tertiary is appearant when he quickly connect the dots regarding changes, espicially in Starling. He always seems to understand what the changes might come from, and based on the subconscious understanding, he is able to give her personal advice, such as «keeping her head cold», near the end, when he proves to fully understand her. His Fe inferior is appearant through his struggles with understanding social niceties, leading him to question whether what he says to Starling is appropriate or not, too formal or not formal enough, or if it makes him appear stupid or weak. His Ti-Se is very well developed, and paired with his great intelligence, leads him to become a highly efficient detective. His enneagram is more of a challenge to identity. I personally view Crawford as a core 5, due to his stated fear of not seeming smart, or efficient enough for his job. I am honestly unsure if he is a 5w4, or a 5w6, but I went with 5w6, due to his desire for being liked or needed by his peers. I decided on giving him the tritype 531. 3 from the heart section, due to the worries he seems to have about his image, and how his every statement, espicially with Starling or «new» people, can affect the way they view him. At one point during a conversation with Starling, Crawford fears that he looks stupid because he said something that he usually wouldn’t say, but then worries if he looks like a fraud, due to his visible struggle with living up to his image. To be completly and utterly honest, I do not have any good reasoning for adding enneagram 1 to his tritype, apart from considering it more fitting than 8 or 9. He is extremly selfcontrolled and calm, which does not correlate with the nature of type 8, and he does not appear to care enough about exterior harmony, or actually, anything exterior, to be recognized as a Type 9. As stated earlier in this analyzis, I found Crawford to be a difficuilt person to properly understand, and I am sorry if I am completly off anywhere. Please, feel free to share your insights!


A significant part of Crawford's arc in the books has to do with his devotion towards his terminally ill wife Bella, who passes away in Silence. When Crawford has a fatal heart attack in Hannibal, he shifts his body to Bella's empty side of the bed as he dies.

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