Naga (Narga) mbti kişilik türü


"Naga (Narga) hangi kişilik türü? Naga (Narga), MBTI, 4w5 - - 'de INFJ kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ' dır."


The Divine Dragon King and protector of humanity, although an aloof and distant one. Over the course of the histories of Archanea and Jugdral, she did battle with degenerated dragons, in particular the Earth Dragon tribe. Naga's appointed guardian of the Table, Medeus is an antagonist in the Archanea games, while Loptous, and the Fell Dragon Grima, are both said to be Naga's archrival. While Naga eventually passed away/ascended to a higher plane of existence, she left a lasting legacy on the world. Her bloodline lives on through her daughter Tiki, her reincarnation Nagi, and the royal family of Grannvale in Jugdral who received it through her pact with Saint Heim. The people of Archanea and Jugdral revere her as a legendary god, though both are largely unaware that she was in fact a female dragon. Many a hero has used holy weapons associated with her to vanquish evil — the Falchion and Binding Shield wielded by Marth and eventually the Ylissean royal family, and the Naga tome of Grannvale's royalty. There may be more then one Naga as it is the title held by any ruler of the Divine Dragons.

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