Holly Summers mbti kişilik türü


"Holly Summers hangi kişilik türü? Holly Summers, MBTI, 5w4 - sp/sx - 'de INFJ kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ' dır."

I'm totally willing to change my vote on this but here's how I broke it down: Ni: Using analogies to equate Travis's experience as an assassin to flowers, in general speaks in a manner that is common among Ni dom characters, digging up holes before her fight as a way to trap Travis is a hella Ni dom move, and has an appreciation for Travis's more unorthodox Ne qualities. Fe: "Thank you, the moment you hesitated, I felt your embrace." I just can't see her having Fi. Her character is essentially a foil to Travis to juxtapose their viewpoints on assassination and acts as a catalyst to his character development. She's also much more invested in Travis's emotions towards assassinating and refers to his feelings towards it as "ordinary". Certain INFJs will have the consensus that the majority of the people that they meet at first are part of the masses and are rather plain, only to have their minds changed once they get to know the person more. This is observed in her post-defeat cutscene. I apologize if this is unorganized, she's a difficult character to type without using stereotypes given how enigmatic she is.


Holly Summers is the 6th ranked assassin in No More Heroes. She is an amputee supermodel who is genuinely a pretty okay person. Her prosthetic leg has a variety of weapons within.
