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Jess Baptiste VI “FU” mbti kişilik türü

Jess Baptiste VI “FU” mbti kişilik türü image


"Jess Baptiste VI “FU” hangi kişilik türü? Jess Baptiste VI “FU”, MBTI, 7w6 - sx/sp - 738 'de ENFP kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, EIE' dır."

After seeing all of his interactions and cutscenes in-game he truly hits that Ne dominant spot, but are we gonna give him ENTP because he just acts like one? Well no, i have arrived to the possibility of FU being an ENFP, if you ask me the kind of ENFP non so conventional, sort off like a Megamind gone wrong, he is Ne dominant ofc. His Se is demonic and it shows through the late game as he gets on an urge to end off Travis, is basically fearful and constantly feeling at so much off a risk that he finished off a friend of his only for taking a nap, second we can see his Fi secondary playing some sort of tricky role on him, he looks up for his friends, he appreciates every talk he could get out from them and appareantly he even is blind and numb towards his friends probably talking on his back (as seen in Vanishing Point's movie he is deeply concerned about this and can even be manipulated with ease). His Ti is almost non existent, his Te also plays a similar role to that of his demon Se but it plays the role of dominance and fear he inflicts on others. (Seen as how he is the personification of others fears and how their planet could be destroyed; implying he has a good control over them). But his Te is not dominant by any means. His Fi (again) also appareantly taked a manipulative role on others, he is weird in this regard, he is easily manipulable while also can take a hold of manipulating others, his Fi also shows really hard when he by himself went to kill Bad Man due to Travis killing Mister Blackhole. Finally i would just say he is a really unhealthy ENFP, at times he doesn't even feel like he really has friends, then again at times he feels like he does but in the end he is actually merely scared. His bottom Si might be manifested in his literal lack of manners, presentation and even his imprudence by shit-talking all the time without any action afterwards (just like Travis said). I would also blame some of his Fi problems with critic Fe thought. As for his enneagram i could definitely see him being a 7w6 (unhealthy, again). sx/sp


Jess Baptiste VI a.k.a. FU is the 1st ranked Galactic Superhero in No More Heroes III. He is the superpowered prince of a far away planet who has spent his adolescence conquering the galaxy. He is also an old friend of Damon Ricitiello's.

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