John Milton mbti kişilik türü


"John Milton hangi kişilik türü? John Milton, MBTI, 4w5 - so/sp - 416 'de INFP kişilik türüdür, RLUAI, RLUAI, büyük 5, IEI' dır."

"The mind can make a heaven of hell and hell of heaven" radical subjectivism fueled by Fi.


John Milton (9 December 1608 - 8 November 1674) was an English poet and pamphleteer with a turbulent relationship with his country's religion and politics. He studied at Cambridge to become a minister, but ended up not taking his orders because of certain fundamental disagreements with the Church. Having next decided to become a poet, believing poetry to be closely linked with prophecy, he spent a good portion of his youth traveling across Europe, mastering different languages, and meeting prominent academics. Very soon, however, Milton heard the call and started writing political tracts, always for a propagation of free thought and overall tolerance. In 1644, he wrote an important defense of free expression, called Areopagitica, which attacked censorship on philosophical and theological grounds. Returning to scribbling relatively non-incendiary poetry, he completed two heavily religious epic poems - Paradise Lost and Paradise Regain'd, and the tragedy Samson Agonistes - all written blind
