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MGMT - Little Dark Age mbti kişilik türü

MGMT - Little Dark Age mbti kişilik türü image


"MGMT - Little Dark Age hangi kişilik türü? MGMT - Little Dark Age, MBTI, 5w6 - sp/so - 513 'de INTJ kişilik türüdür, RLOEI, RLOEI, büyük 5, ILI' dır."

Since no one is explaining why this is an INTJ song except for the “dark” and “edgy” theme I am gonna share my opinion why I think it’s an INTJ First I am gonna say MGMT lyrics are weird in some ways and also can be seen from different angles, you can say the song is about fighting against your dark side and you can say at the same time it’s talking about the problems and issues of world that is similar to the“dark age” in different ways first of all what is a “dark age”? Historically : the Dark Ages : the period of European history from about A.D. 500 to 1000 : the first 500 years of the Middle Ages. 2. the Dark Ages often humorous or the dark ages : the period of time before things developed into their modern form. In the dark ages before computers, we often wrote our letters by hand but why do we call it “the dark age”? We refer to a period in the history of a society as a dark age, you think that it is characterized by a lack of knowledge and progress and its how it was like in the early middle ages, at the same time the Dark Ages also refers to a less-than-heroic time in history supposedly marked by a dearth of culture and arts, a bad economy, worse living conditions and the relative absence of new technology and scientific advances (which is what we see today but in other ways) The title of the song “my little dark age” may refer to someone who is talking about their dark period of time and we can also say it’s referring to someone who is fighting with their inner demons and is trying to see the right path let’s look at the lyrics now “Breathing in the dark, lying on its side The ruins of the day painted with a scar The more I straighten out the less it wants to try The feelings start to rot one wink at a time” These four lines look like an INTJ that is slowly getting out of an Ni-Fi loop yet something is still holding them back , what is an Ni-Fi loop in INTJs? It’s when an INTJ is defending themselves from outer world and outer pressure causing them to stay in a continual state of seclusion and is focused on their introverted functions. the line “the more I straighten out the less it wants to try” seems like they’re seeing the negative side of reality and outer world while disappointed by what’s happening but also starting to accept it as in the line “the feelings start to rot one wink at a time” “Oh-oh forgiving who you are, for what you stand to gain Just know that if you hide it doesn’t go away When you get out of bed, don’t end up stranded Horrified with each stone on the stage, my little dark age” You can see the person is finally starting to understand how things in the world work and how should they behave with it as in the line “when you get out of bed don’t end up stranded” ,and the Te and Se are balancing the functions “Picking through the cards knowing what’s nearby The cravings on the face say they find it hard The engines failed again, all limits of disguise The humor’s not the same, coming from denial” I’m gonna explain this part in general The band has explained that Little Dark Age is both an expression of surprise and dismay to the current political and social climate—particularly the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States—with an occasional reference to their own personal lives which explains the Ni-te-Fi-se in the song “I grieve in stereos , the stereos sound strange You know that if it hides it doesn’t go away If I get out to bed you’ll see me standing all alone Horrified on the stage my little dark age” Ni users are often known for their strong intuition and gut feeling and their understanding of the world which is what you see in the first two lines (and in the previous line “picking through the cards knowing what’s near by”), even though they’re trying to get out of their dark loop something is still kind of holding them back and they are still not totally ready to face the truth and reality which is what the last two lines about “Giddy with delight, seeing what's to come The image of the dead, dead ends in my mind Policemen swear to God, love seeping from their guns I know my friends and I would probably turn and run If you get out of bed, come find us heading for the bridge Bring a stone, all the rage, my little dark age I grieve in stereo, the stereo sounds strange I know that if you hide, it doesn't go away If you get out of bed and find me standing all alone Open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age” you can that they’re finally out of their dark force yet the outside dark force still continues however they’re aware of it as in “all alone, open-eyed, burn the page , my little dark” you can say they are also fighting back their own dark forces and control it This was my opinion tell me if agree and if you disagree feel free to correct however please stay respectful.


Breathing in the dark, lying on its side The ruins of the day painted with a scar And the more I straighten out, the less it wants to try The feelings start to rot, one wink at a time Oh-oh, forgiving who you are, for what you stand to gain Just know that if you hide, it doesn't go away When you get out of bed, don't end up stranded Horrified with each stone on the stage, my little dark age Picking through the cards, knowing what's nearby The carvings on the face say they find it hard And the engine's failed again, all limits of disguise The humor's not the same, coming from denial Oh-oh, I grieve in stereo, the stereo sounds strange I know that if you hide, it doesn't go away If you get out of bed and find me standing all alone Open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age I grieve in stereo, the stereo sounds strange You know that if it hides, it doesn't go away If I get out of bed, you'll see me standing all alone Horrified on the stage, my little dark age
